Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Someone said NO to Paris Hilton! Finally someone got the nerves

Celebutantes beware! Impulse pooch purchases aren’t as easy as they used to be. Just ask Paris Hilton. According to the New York Post, someone actually had the nerve to turn down the love-em-and-leave-em pet collector when all she wanted was a cuddly prop, er, pup for her latest photo shoot. The nerve!

A Page Six spywitness caught everyone’s favorite heirhead at Melrose Avenue’s The Puppy Store desperate for a new Yorkie. (Maybe her last Yorkie, Cinderella, outgrew her cute phase, or went missing, or was reclaimed due to abandonment — whatever.) Allegedly Paris was en route to a photo shoot when she made the poochy pit stop, figuring a dog would make the perfect camera-ready accessory.

“(Paris) wanted a puppy in the picture with her so it would look cuter,” claimed the source. But when a store employee thought better of it and refused to part with the pup, “The Simple Life” star went “ballistic.” “She started screaming, ‘I love my puppies! I want my baby!’” the source said.

Read Full Article on MSN News